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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6vguGu7hukendofvid [starttext]About Imran Nazar Hosein http://emasmaster.com/
He was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as indentured labourer from India. He is a graduate of the Aleemiyah Institute in Karachi and has studied at sevaral instutions of higher learning including the University of Karachi,the University of the West Indies, Al Azhar University and the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland
ولد في جزيرة ترينداد في البحر الكاريبي عام 1942 من أبوين هاجر أجدادهم من الهند كعمال متعاقدين. تخرج من معهد العليمية في كراتشي ودرس في العديد من معاهد الدراسات العليا بما فيها جامعة كراتشي و جامعة جزر الهند الغربية وجامعة الأزهر وفي المعهد الدولي للدراسات الدولية في جنيف.
He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago but gave up his job in 1985 to devote his life to the mission of Islam.
عمل في السلك الدبلوماسي في وزارة خارجية ترينيداد وتوباغو ولكنه استقال في عام 1985 ليكرس حياته من أجل خدمة الإسلام.
He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York. He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc. He also participated in many inter-faith dialogues with Christian and Jewish scholars while representing Islam in USA. He was the Imam, for sometime, at Masjid Dar al-Qur'an in Long Island, New York. He also led the weekly Juma'ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years continuously.
عاش في نيويورك لعشر سنوات خدم خلالها كرئيس للدراسات الإسلامية لدى اللجنة
